
Backpackers confusion

Published July 15, 2024

It was a complete darkness when I opened my eyes. I barely could distinguish the curved shape of an arm and hip next to my left. The previous evening, me and my , had a ...

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Karen keeping fit

Published June 7, 2024

Some times it takes a while to spot things arn`t what you think,or people are different than you first suppose them to be".
Take my case,I`d been collect...

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My Sauna Buddy

Published June 7, 2024

 This 100% true story takes place in a hotel . A friend had recommended joining the at a hotel as an affordable option to a regular gym. Not only is it much ch...

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Taken by his employers

Published June 4, 2024

A couple of months back my husband was due to go out into town with his 2 bosses, a father and firm he had worked with for about 5 years. Both father and son were certa...

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Angies An Adult Chapter 3

Published June 4, 2024

Note : This story is completely fictional!

Angie Sloan went home that afternoon QUITE happy, knowing that she had altered her neighbors" marri...

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No Excuse for Fun

Published May 26, 2024

Well it is 2:35AM on a Sunday morning and I just had I have had in quite a while. So I figured that I would take a break from the hazards of law enforcement to tell you...

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Family fun

Published May 24, 2024
Rod knocked on the front door of the large split level suburban home, and after several moments the door swung open and a fortyish woman ushered him inside and asked, "I hope...
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Gym Pleasures

Published May 24, 2024

The hour was reaching 10 o'clock in the and most people had finished working out for the night. Politely, Jane went around and told the remaining patrons that is wa...

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